Step Into My Shoes

Nancy Mutisya
2 min readJan 27, 2022


Why are you quick to judge?

Why are we usually fast to pass judgment to others whenever they do something? Why do our minds always lead us to be that way? Why don’t the same minds remind us of times when we also messed up or even more than they have? Our minds really can mislead us!

Empathy is one of the deepest things to do. It is not easy to empathize with someone consistent with their actions. I guess that’s why our minds always take the short path. If you take a look at our societies, social media platforms, etc. you will notice how we are so comfortable in our own shoes and do not care if the other person’s are burning his feet.

I guess also that’s why forgiveness is hard at times cause we are not willing to get the situation from the other’s perspective. Trying to understand, getting a new perspective, empathizing are all avenues to letting go of our judgmental natures.

“If you judge people, you have no time to love them”, Mother Teresa

I know you know a person or have been in a time when you made a judgmental utterance on someone only to analyze your thoughts later after knowing the whole story. How did it feel? I know.

It takes time to clear your mind. It takes time to know the truth of the matter. And so it should take time to make a decision on situations.

I look forward to a time when we will be able to fully distinguish between when our minds are fooling us and when they aren’t, cause stepping into others' shoes takes effort in knowing whether to listen to the heart or mind.



Nancy Mutisya

Turning thoughts, likes, ideas, and much more into stories.